South Carolina Glossary

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An orange and garnet rooster with a black tail plume standing in a yard.


(noun) - a rooster bred and trained for fighting

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People working the field.

gang system

(noun) - a division of labor on plantations where slaves were divided into groups, supervised by a driver, and worked the entire day for the owner’s profit




(noun) - a newspaper

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A tan gourd with a piece string tied around it containing a plant.


(noun) - a fruit that grows on a vine. When the gourd is dried, it can be hollowed out and used as a drinking cup or storage container.

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A white, blue, and yellow seal with a golden eagle with a American flag on it's belly in the center.


(noun) - the body with the power to make and enforce laws for a country, land area, people, or organization

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A black and white seal with a palmetto tree in the center.


(noun) - the leader of a state in the United States

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Wheat with seeds.


(noun) - A small, hard seed, especially the seed of a food plant such as wheat, corn, rye, oats, rice, or millet

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Salt and pepper rock


(noun) - a rock mined in South Carolina that is used for building stone, road gravel, flooring, and decorative stone

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Black and White U.S. Map with a red line going up through the states.

Great Wagon Road

(noun) The Great Wagon Road was an improved trail through the Great Appalachian Valley from Pennsylvania to North Carolina and from there to Georgia in colonial America.


A stone building with a red mill wheel.

grist mill

(noun) - a mill that grinds grain to turn it into flour, grits, or other edible products.


Creamy white grits on a white plate.


(noun) - coarsely ground hulled corn boiled as a breakfast dish in the southern United States


People sitting and standing in various African dress.


(noun, adjective) - the descendants of Africans who were enslaved on the rice, indigo, and Sea Island cotton plantations of the lower Atlantic coast.


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